Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Flapjack'
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Kalanchoe 'Flapjack'
Introducing the Kalanchoe 'Flapjack' (Kalanchoe thyrsiflora), a bold and eye-catching succulent that adds instant charm to any space. Presented in a 2" nursery pot, this variety is known for its thick, paddle-shaped leaves that form compact rosettes. With a striking blend of silvery-green and red-tinged edges, 'Flapjack' thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal watering, making it ideal for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts.
Type: Plastic Nursery Pot
Size: Small :: 2 Inch Diameter
Plant Care
Light: Place in bright, indirect light. Kalanchoe 'Flapjack' thrives with at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. Protect from intense afternoon sun, especially in hot climates, to prevent leaf burn.
Watering: Allow the soil to dry out partially between waterings. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry during active growth (spring and summer). Reduce watering in winter when growth slows, but do not let the soil completely dry out.
Soil: Use a well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.
Temperature: Kalanchoe 'Flapjack' prefers average room temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Protect from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
Humidity: Normal indoor humidity levels are generally suitable. Avoid placing near overly humid areas or sources of moisture.
Fertilizer: Feed sparingly with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Avoid fertilizing in winter.
Pruning: Trim off dead or wilted leaves as needed to maintain a tidy appearance and promote air circulation around the plant.
Propagation: Easily propagated from stem or leaf cuttings. Allow cuttings to callous over for a day or two before planting in well-draining soil.
Pests: Monitor for common succulent pests such as mealybugs or spider mites. Treat infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.