A New Year’s plant is a living symbol of good tidings and fresh beginnings. On a practical note, it offers a welcome burst of color when the outdoor landscape in much of the country is desolate and dreary. Whoever is on the receiving end of your gift plant will likely appreciate having something alive to care for.
So, what makes a good New Year’s plant? It should be something that stands apart from the ordinary. A common houseplant won’t do. Instead, consider a lucky bamboo, a florist’s azalea, or a succulent. The lucky bamboo is a symbol of good fortune, azalea is a pretty evergreen full of vivid color when in bloom and succulents are easy-going (and easy on the eyes, too!)
Know anyone trying to eat healthier? Give them an herb basket. You can buy one premade or put one together on the fly. Pick up a secondhand basket at a thrift shop, line it with plastic, fill with potting mix and plant or sow the seeds of herbs such as basil, parsley, sage or oregano.
Another idea is bonsai—a tree pruned to mimic a full-size tree on a miniature scale. Bonsai, which are available at garden centers and florist’s shops, represent an ancient tradition of caring for plants that are passed down from generation to generation. That’s a lot of potential wrapped up in one little (and we mean little) plant! Now, whether or not you get a New Year’s plant, consider making these New Year’s resolutions you’ll want to keep forever.